High aims are worthwhile
The Pioneer, October 3, 1997 (Letters to the Editor)
This has reference to the article, ‘A great leap forward’
(October 1, by Soumyajit Pattnaik. I greatly appreciate Mr.
Pattnaik’s comment that, ”The PSLV-C1 launch is a rebuff to
the untiring efforts of the big powers to constitute a
technological cartel”.
Some of the frustration we have met with in
our effort to progress in the field of science and
technology, has been on account of the fact that we have not
been as alert to our core values as we ideally should have
been. We have also been particularly complacent about the
machinations of the technological cartel formed by the
developed world to target India.
Now that we have emerged as a major global
power in satellite launching, we would do well to remember
the words of Alfred North Whitehead: “The vigour of
civilised societies is preserved by the widespread sense
that high aims are worthwhile. Vigorous societies harbour a
certain extravagance of objectives, so that men wander
beyond the safe provision of personal gratifications. All
strong interests easily become impersonal, the love of a
good job well done. There is sense of harmony about such an
accomplishment, the peace brought by something worthwhile.”
We have become so caught up in the trivia of
politics today that Mr. Pattnaik’s excellent presentation
provides an opportunity for reflection, not only on our
capacity to explore and extend new frontiers of science,
technology and engineering, but also on the active and
cooperative part that India can play in ensuring a better
future for humanity as a whole.
We must make a beginning by a collective and
concerted effort at restoring a sense of national prestige
and self-confidence in ourselves as a nation.
Centre for Science Policy
School of Social Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru University
New Delhi – 110 067 |