The Dynamics of Student Protest
M.L. Sondhi
Motherland, Nagpur Times, Amrita Bazar Patrika,
Assam Tribune, Navbharat Times
April 12, 1974
The Gujarat students have drawn national attention to the
primary factors which have created an environment of
frustration and bitterness in India in the mid-seventies.
Their activities throughout the length and breadth of
Gujarat in the nation’s capital provided examples of a
political culture reminiscent of the best days of the
nationalist struggle.
For gauging the effectiveness of the means
adopted by the Nav Nirman Samiti it is not enough to view
them in the context of the populist attitudes which have
been foremost in the minds of the power wielders in India in
the last few years. In a sense, the Nav Nirman Samiti had
no “stock in trade” of symbols and rituals of the various
varieties of Indian progressives. Their political activism
succeeded in making visible the matrix of events in
pre-independent India when a creative consensus of beliefs
was achieved through personal and social communication.
No Squabbling
When some of the Central leaders dubbed them
as Fascists, they had the “revolutionary” vision to make a
more sophisticated endeavour to translate the needs of the
entire community rather than stumble upon the ideological
rationalisations of the “crackpot realists” in the ruling
party. The magnetic field of Gandhian ideas helped the
Gujarat students protest movement to shift the foci of the
statewide agitation away from sterile ideologies to
political and social experimentation free of political
The repeated use of the Border Security
Force and the Special Police enabled the “collective
leadership” of the Nav Nirman Samiti to challenge the
“Garibi Hatao” slogan of the ruling party with the
demonstrable use of “self sacrifice” and “moral outrage” of
the Gujarati student community. While the Nav Nirman Samiti
focussed on the national issues in Gandhian terms, the
Central leadership’s parameters were sheer dogmatisms which
were presented through the mass media with the help of half
As the Centre drew closer to the crucial
decisions on Gujarat it was clearly evident that the
leadership in New Delhi was yet to develop a capacity for
communication with the youth. The meetings of the Nav
Nirman Samiti with the Central leaders did not produce much
substance primarily because the Gujarat students were
refusing to accept the semantics of both political clichés
and party labels. The official attention was riveted on the
question of the “upper-middle class” leadership of the
student movement and ignored the salient features of the
political strategists. Thus it failed to perceive that the
movement was not focussed on some outlandish issues; its
impetus came from a total rejection of the substantial
inroads which money-power and corruption had made in the
guise of the “Garibi Hatao” programme.
The student representatives in the Court of
Gujarat University were in a position to examine the broad
spectrum of official attitudes in the light of public
proclamations. They expressed their demands and indignation
not in the context of vague ideological positions but on the
basis of their own cumulative experience of important
individuals and groups openly bent upon bypassing the legal
rules and regulations. By the time they led the famous
procession of goats with cartoons of the political leaders,
the student representatives were fully aware of the deep
scars on the surface of Gujarat’s political and
administrative life caused by men who had earned high
political dividends by radical slogans. The force and
falsehood used by the government was of no avail in
subverting the moral force of a struggle against corruption
and high prices not in the interests of a segment of society
but for protesting the largest and most vulnerable sections
of the population of Gujarat.
Nav Nirman Statement
Thus one of the pronunciamentos of the Nav
Nirman notes: “The people, for the first time experienced
the mighty wave of youth-power drawn to the surface. With
childlike curiosity the people witnessed this drama of
energy and recognised that the youthful community for the
first time, instead of being swept away meekly by the
time-worn social current had determined to express the voice
of their conscience by using their own talents and their
decision expressed and was in tune with the predictions
given out by the leaders of old”.(sic)
The statement goes on to list the
contradictions and conflicts generated by the student
activism in Gujarat (a) the Authorities used systematic and
cruel methods to crush the movement (b) the mass
communication channels played an irresponsible role (c)
people previously involved in corruption began to fear the
popular agitation (d) profiteers worked against the youth
(e) those frightened by the movement included people whose
status and image was in jeopardy (f) anti-social elements
(g) opportunists who misguide the people violated the rules
of the movement and exploited the situation (h) the violent
incidents were not caused by student hostility; these were
the acts of “agent provocateurs” and (i) reliance on the
inhuman excesses of the police and the Special Reserve
Police on innocent citizens exposed the weakness of the
It was the social commitment of the Nav
Nirman Samiti which helped them communicate with each other
and also shape the contemporary consciousness of Gujarati
society cutting across all classes. It is significant that
the charges against the students becoming “tools” of
reactionary forces are not taken seriously in Gujarat. On
the other hand a number of generalisations are accepted even
by those who have a natural apprehension against student
movements: (i) The Gujarat students played an important
back stage role in fostering communal unity in the State and
there has been a definite sharpening of national awareness;
(ii) the student movement tended to give greater importance
to highly talented men and women without regard to political
ideology. “Student Power” in Gujarat was not pitted against
the university faculty. Persons with high academic prestige
were invited to put across their points of view; and (iii)
by adopting the rhetoric of social reconstruction rather
than revolution, the Nav Nirman Samiti was able to create a
relaxed attitude which facilitated cooperative social
The question whether the Gujarat-type
protest movement will be repeated elsewhere in India is of
two-fold interest. First, although the hardship caused by
high prices and corruption exist in other States, perhaps to
a greater extent than in Gujarat, the special sensitivity to
Gandhian standards may be lacking among those who organise
campus unrest elsewhere in India. Second, the “collective
consciousness” which accommodated student activism in
Gujarat might be disrupted in the galloping drift towards
food riots, vandalism and general violence.
A number of points can be made about the
orgy of violence which Bihar witnessed shortly after the
consequences and lessons of Gujarat had begun to impose on
the public mind of that State.
Bihar violence
First, there was a wholesale turn of events
by the participation of the political parties in what could
have otherwise been a student’s movement on the Gujarat
pattern. The clash of fundamental caste had political
interests did not create the “revolution of consciousness”
inherent in the Nav Nirman programme.
Second, the effect on the social fabric of
the student movements in Gujarat and Bihar was quite
different. By avoiding narrow-minded prejudices the Gujarat
students developed a solid basis for a State-wise strategy
to get their demands conceded. The lingering antagonisms
among different political factions were reflected in the
student body in Bihar. The attacks on the “Aryavarta” and
“Indian Nation” newspaper offices and the setting on fire of
the ‘Searchlight” and “Pradeep” buildings showed a
deplorable lack of commitment to the welfare of the
Third, the ambitions and problems of a
political party like the CPI created profound flaws in the
student movement in Bihar. A clear look at the Gujarat
agitation suggests that it happened spontaneously and at all
times the demands of the students were negotiable. The
confrontation of the CPI-led student demonstration with the
Bihar Education Minister showed visibly the pathology of
party rigidity.
Fourth, while the Gujarat students rejected
the intervention of persons claiming to be political
benefactors and were full of optimism that they would usher
in a new order, the Bihar students have not been able to
preserve their identity from the plethora of Opposition
parties operating in the State. While it would be too
simplistic to say that the role of Mr. Jaya Prakash Narayan
was more important from an emotional and symbolic point of
view in Bihar than in Gujarat, it does point to the fact
that the Gujarat students were not willing to jeopardise
their own status as a community by giving a disproportionate
influence to an “outsider” however well-meaning.
The Gujarat model and the Bihar model are
both clear indications that an unprecedented wave of student
activism is sweeping across India. The major reason for
popular backing of the student’s demands by the entire
Gujarati community was that the Nav Nirman Samiti did not
impose absolutism of doctrine. Political parties with
dogmatic ideologies either kept away voluntarily from
intervening in the movement or were prevented from achieving
dominance and prestige by public opinion.
The moral identification of the student with
the entire community was a marked characteristic of the
Gujarat movement during its intense phase. It was this
which prevented its degeneration into cut throat rivalry and
helped the rest of the country to perceive and accept the
values of Nav Nirman Social Reconstruction. The grave
contradictions in Bihar are a warning that students activism
can produce great oscillations if blind instincts detract
from the authority of student leaders. |